Water Baptism in Thornton Cape Town

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved;” – Mark 16: 15-16
A few new folk have been added to our fellowship in the last few months and on Thursday the 6th of November 2014 two of our group were baptised.

Elizabeth Mattheetestified that she had recently become a believer and was excited about her new found faith and even though she had just had an operation on her right arm and was all bandaged up, she was not going to let that stop her from being baptised.

Maryanne Collett testified that she had been a Christian but had backslidden. She had this physical disability which impacted negatively on her relationships. This was a result of a heart operation. Even family were unkind to her. In spite of this she always knew that God loved and protected her. Despite negative medical predictions God blessed her with a beautiful baby son.

We then joined the candidates in singing the Chorus “I have decided to follow Jesus…” We had witnessed the two baptismal candidates who had made a declaration that they had died with Christ and had risen to a new Life in Him.

 May God bless them as they each journey with Him.

Report by Yolande Damsell

For teaching on Water Baptism click Here!

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Ek en Lise is al 9 jaar getroud.  Toe ons getroud is, het ek gese dat ons ten minste 5 jaar gaan wag voordat ons gaan begin met ‘n gesin. (seker maar die tipiese ouditeur in my wat dinge beplan en uitle)  In elk geval na 4 jaar van getroude lewe besluit ek en Lise dat die 5 jaar plan aangepas gaan word en dat ons met ‘n gesin kan begin. (vrouens het mos maar so manier om altyd by die beplanning te hou nie) 
Omen by daardie tyd het ons ‘n ISLS student gehuisves, Imraan van Pakistan.  As ‘n totsiens geskenk, het hy vir ons  Ps 37 – 4 gegee.  Dit was 31 Aug 2008.  Hy het ook aan ons genoem dat hy ons sien met ‘n seuntjie.  Ons was natuurlik baie bly, maar dit was nie vir ons ‘n groot verrassing nie, want ons verbly ons mos in die Heer en ons gaan mos met ‘n gesin begin.  Ons gaan kerk toe, woon sel by ens ens.  Middel Jan 2009 kom kuier my beste vriend en sy vrou (wat op daardie stadium nog nie heeltemal oortuig was of sy kinders wil he nie) by ons.  Hulle is swanger met hul 1ste kind.  Dit was dieselfde oggend wat ons ons eerste negatiewe swangerskap toets gekry het.  Maar ons is fine, want dit is nog nie lank wat ons probeer nie en ons is baie bly vir hulle!!
Dit was min of meer die storie vir die volgende 4 jaar!  Vriende dink net aan swanger word (en huil baie keer dat dit te vining gebeur het), dan is dit so.  Die vriend wat ek hierbo van praat het daarna ‘n tweeling gekry wat in Julie 3 was.  Wat was verkeerd  met ons!  Hoekom kanons nie swanger word nie.
Wel ons (ek) sal dit oorkom.  Tot op hierdie stadium van my lewe het ek nog als gekry wat ek wil he.  Natuurlik met harde werk, maar ek het dit gekry.  So ons sal maar na net na die volgende (duurder opsie van fertiliteitsbehandeling) oorbeweeg! 
Intussen het Ds Jan en Tannie Imelda by ons kom kuier en lekker by ons geeet en die aand is afgesluit deur Ds Jan wat vir ons skrif gee – Ps 37:4 Can you believe it!  Vol inspirasie gaan ons so ver om dit teen die spieel in ons slaapkamer te skryf, sodat ons dit elke dag kan sien, maar niks gebeur nie.  Die negatiewe toetse bly maar net aanhou kom en orals waar ons kom is iemand swanger!  So het ons maar aangekarring.
Gedurende hierdie tyd het ek ook baie wipplank by die werk gery.  Dan gaan dit goed, dan gaan dit sleg met baie stress wat natuurlik oorgedra word aan my arme vroutjie by die huis. Maar dit is wat ek nog altyd wou he – vandat ek in standerd 7 was het EK gese dat ek ‘n venoot in ‘n oudit firma gaan wees! En die geld was goed en ons moes van iewers die fertiliteits behandelings betaal! (om en by R25,000 per keer. Geen mediese fonds dekking) So, ons mission maar aan en druk maar deur die swakker tye by die werk – almal het dit mos.
Einde 2010 gebeur daar iets by die werk waarmee ek nie saamstem nie.  Ek kanbaie dinge hanteer en om iets werk, maar ek is nie bereid om my integriteit op te gee nie. Dit raak 1 van my kliente en ek se aan die vennote ek is nie bereid om dit te doen nie.  ‘n Opkomende vennoot word toe op die opdrag geplaas om dit te hanteer. Gelukkig is dit toe Des vakansie en ek dink ek gaan net rustig raak oor die vakansie, miskien het ek ‘n beter perspektief in die nuwe jaar. (dit is ook in hierdie tyd dat ek regtig begin moeite maak met stiltetyd) Ek praat natuurlik baie met Lise deur hierdie tyd en sy hou aan ondersteun.  Kom die nuwe jaar, niks verander nie.  Ek skeduleer toe ‘n vergadering met die senior vennote, waarin ek die situasie verduidelik en se dat ek gaan bedank.  Hulle is natuurlik geskok (nog net 1 keer van te vore het so iets gebeur in die geskiedenis van die firma  –  en daardie vennoot het ‘n baie goeie aanbieding van ‘n klient gekry)  Ek het nie geweet wat ek gaan doen nie.  Die vennote vra toe dat ek ‘n maand moet neem en weer herbesin.  Hulle wil ook individueel met my praat.  Die maand kom en die maand gaan en niks kom van die gesprekke nie.  Die oggend wat die maand verby is en ek my finale besluit moet deurgee sit ek in my kantoor en bid en vra die Here asb vir bevestiging dat ek die regte besluit geneem het.  Ds Braam Hannekom se dagstuk boekie was in my onderste laai en ek gaan maak dit oop by daardie betrokke dag se dagstukkie.  (ek het nie geweet wat dit gaan wees nie, want ek het nie eintlik die dagstukkies gevolg nie)  Maar dit was Gen 12: 1-2  Dit wat vir my bekend was, was my werk.  Daardie dag dien ek my finale bedanking in en gee my jaar kennis.
Twee maande later is ons swanger en natuurlik verheug. Ongelukkig is ons eerste seuntjie Ben op 8 weke  van swangerskap hemel toe.  Ek en Lise is teen die grond. Wat gaan aan! Ek is mos op die regte pad.  Soos altyd verwerk ek dit so vining as moontlik en beweeg aan.  Ons gaan net nog ‘n behandeling doen. Ten minste het ons nou swanger geraak.  En ek verdien nog my goeie salaris, so alles sal uitwerk.  Ons volgende sessie sal in elk geval goedkoper wees, want daar is embrios gevries van die vorige keer se prosedure.  Lise moet net eers bietjie rus en ‘n maand of 2 afvat (hormoon behandeling is nogal rof) maar dan gaan ons weer voort. 
Ons is weer swanger met die volgende terugplanting, maar die 2de toets is negatief. (na ‘n IVF doen hulle ‘n swangerskap toets en dan weer een 4 dae later om seker te maak dat selverdeling reg plaasvind)  Hierdie keer is die bietjie makliker om te hanteer en ons staan weer op.
So breek die laaste dag by my werk ook aan….  Ons het nog nie ‘n baba nie en die salaris gaan opdroog!  Dit is toe ook sendingnaweek en tyd dat ons weer ons belofte moet maak.  Hoeveel belowe jy as jy nie weet wat jy gaan verdien nie???  Ons hou die Here vas en belowe ‘n bedrag.

Lise is moeg vir al die behandeling en oorweeg al surrogaatskap.  (BTW behalwe vir polistiese ovariums is daar nie ‘n rede hoekom ons nie moet swanger raak nie)  Ek se toe kom ons probeer nog 1 keer met ‘n vars siklus.  Dws, Lise se eierselle word oorgestimuleer om eiers te produseer en word dan ‘ge-oes’.  My sperm word in ‘n proefbuis bygevoeg en hopelik vind bevrugting plaas.  Indien wel, word die embrio na 5 dae teruggeplant in Lise se baarmoeder.  En ons doen.  Maar die vragie – ons kort geld.  Wel nie kort nie, maar dit is nogal ‘n groot uitgawe as jy nie inkomste het nie en nie weet wanneer of hoe jy geld gaan verdien nie.  My nuwe beroep is in die finansiele beplanningsektore en een van die eerste dinge wat ek doen is om my eie verskering te hersien. Ek doen my navrosing en sien dat my huidige versekering bietjie duur is vir wat ek nodig het.  Die nodige aanpassing word gemaak en ek skuif my versekering na ‘n ander firma.  ‘n Maand later word R39,000 in my rekening inbetaal.  Van waar kom dit vandaan?  Op navraag word bevestig dat ek ‘n ‘rebate account’ opgebou het by die vorige versekeringsfirma en dat dit aan my betaal is toe ek die versekering gestop het.  Ongelooflik – die Here het voorsien.  Daardie geld is gebruik vir ons finale behandeling en die res is geskiedenis.  Simon is 9 maande later gebore uit die hand en wil van ons Vader!
Tydens bostaande gebeure het God met my gewerk en ons voorberei vir dit wat ouerskap regtig is. Dit is nie goed as ‘n ouer afwesig is in die lewe van sy kind nie. En dit is wat ek sou wees indien ek by my vorige werk gebly het. (die ure was lank – gemiddeld so 12 uur per dag) En dit is nie wat God vir my in gedagte gehad het nie. Die vreugde wat ek kan sien op Simon se gesig as ek by die huis kom is baie meer werd as al die geld in die wereld.  In vandag se wereld is dit belangrik dat die Pa in die huishouding weer die plek as koning en geestelike leier in die huis moet inneem.  Hy moet instaan vir sy familie by God en hulle aan Hom opdra om hulle te beskerm teen die uitdagings en versoekinge van die lewe.
Vandat ek vir myself werk, spandeer ek baie meer tyd in die teenwoordigheid van die Here.  Ek lees daagliks die Bybel en bid tot ons Vader.  Die seening in my (ons) lewens is ongelooflik en God seen my ongelooflik baie in my nuwe werk.  Ek staan aan die einde van elke maand verstom oor wat/ hoe God vir my en my gesin voorsien het in die vorige maand.  God het my regtig voorspoedig gemaak soos wat Hy in Gen 12 vir my beloof het.
Ons het toe die voorreg gehad om ‘selbyeenkomste’ by te woon wat deur Francois Visser aangebied is.  Ons behandel die beginsels/ leeringe van Christenskap wat  in Heb 6:1-3 voorkom.  Die 3de een handel oor die doop en toe Francois daarmee begin, kom die begeerte by my op om gedoop te word. Ek bespreek dit met Lise en 2 weke later is ons gedoop.  Dit was ‘n baie geseende gebeurtenis wat deur baie vriende in Christus bygewoon is.  En wat my opgeval het is die vriendelikheid wat hulle aan ons geopenbaar het. Ons is gelukgewens en welkom geheet.  God het by ons ‘n behoefte geskep om Sy woord te bestudeer en tyd te maak vir Hom en ek kan getuig dat dit ‘n wonderlike ervaring is en dat ek nie kan glo dat ek al die jare daarsonder kon klaarkom nie.
Ek sien regtig met groot verwagting uit na dit wat nog kom en met genade van bo sal ek dit ook aan ander verkondig!

Ek glo dat Jesus vir ons aan die kruis gesterf het en dat Hy ons verlosser Here is.Dis regtig‘n wonderlike belewenis om gedoop te word en 100% vir Hom te lewe.

Hy is altyd daar in goeie en slegte tye, ek sal dit vir enige iemand aanbeveel wat glo in Hom en 100% vir Hom wil lewe.

Die woord gaan oop vir jou en dis ‘n wonderlike belewenis.



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Mission to Northern Mozambique June 2013

The purpose of this trip to Northern Mozambique was two-fold, first to visit and encourage the believers of the three fellowships in Nampula, confirming them in the foundation and secondly to travel further North to Mossuril, to accomplish the same purpose in the believers there.
Our journey began with a day’s lay-over in Johannesburg where we were hosted by the Botha family; Sean, Peta, Helen and Estelle (please forgive me any miss-spelling) who’s warm hospitality and rich fellowship stirred our hearts and in no small measure contributed to our readiness for the task ahead.

Nampula City is one of the larger and more populous of the cities in Mozambiqueand like much of the country is sadly lacking in basic infrastructure, sanitation and a good lick of paint! The roads are honey combed with pot-holes that require serious driving skills, made more dangerous by what seems like thousands of crazed motorbike taxis who pull out in front of oncoming traffic without a care, zigzagging between obstacles at breakneck, kidney jolting speeds.

We began our stay visiting the first fruits of the work in Nampula, a fellowship in the suburb of Namekope 1. Approximately 18 months previously Rupert and Kurt had visited Namekope 1 at which time a wonderful outpouring of the Spirit resulted in many being transferred out of the darkness and into the light. Gloriously in the interim young people full of the Holy Ghost began evangelizing the local area founding two more fellowships, one in Namekope 2 and the other at Saua- Saua.

The Lord is saving and using young men and woman to build His church in Mozambique. They demonstrate a wonderful eagerness and desire to evangelize their communities. It was a privilege to witness the book of Acts in action “… and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth”.
Elias reports that through-out the work in Mozambiqueyoung people are standing up and getting involved, proving their ministries and sharing the Gospel at every opportunity. The work as a result has become self-sustaining and self–perpetuating to a far greater degree than ever before.

Before visiting Namekope 2 and Saua–Saua we traveled two and a half hours north to the historic town of Mossuril. The national Highways are usually in good repair but the drivers are a law unto themselves. En-route a large horse and trailer overtook our vehicle passing us in the lane for oncoming traffic and continued in that lane around a blind corner. Two blind corners later the truck collided head on with a minibus full of passengers. We arrived moments later a midst scattered debris and a large dust cloud, expecting the worst type of carnage!

Miraculously no one was killed; the driver pictured with Elias does not know how he escaped death with only the odd scrape! It is a reminder of the keeping hand of God upon us as we travel. The roads hold many dangers and considering the large distances traveled over the many years on these missions with very few incidents, give witness to the Lords goodness and keeping power.

Much of Northern Mozambiqueis heavily influenced by the Muslim faith and Mossuril was exclusively Muslim until a young man named Paive moved there. Paive along with another young man began to evangelize the local community. Mossuril is the seat of the district governor and has a hospital and a school; as a result there are a large number of young educated men and woman who are teachers, nurses and government administrators.

It is among these people that Paive found good ground for the seed of the Gospel. This was the only Christian Church in the town, perhaps in the whole district. This is the first time Elias had been able to visit them. We were warmly received, they anticipated our every need, gladly extending themselves to ensure we were comfortable and lacked nothing. This generous spirit enriched our entire stay with them and was evident in both the men and the woman.

Having such a large group of well educated people in the congregation provided the opportunity for more in-depth ministry. The Lord has begun a good work and we have every confidence that He will finish it! Like Nampula the church in Mossuril has begun evangelizing in the local area and a second fellowship is in it’s infancy a few kilometers out of town.

The Sunday morning meeting provided opportunity for the Gospel and over 40 people responded with heartfelt and sincere cries to God for transference out of darkness and into light! With great joy we were able to conclude our stay with an afternoon baptismal service in the very waters where once Arabs and then the Portuguese loaded the enslaved onto ships.

Traveling back to Nampula on the Monday, Elias received news that some men had tried to break into his home the previous night. Fortunately his wife heard them and screamed, alerting neighbors and frightening the intruders off! It was quickly settled that two young men from the Chimoio fellowship would sleep over at Elias’s house until his return.
With every blessing and advance there is an attempt by principalities and powers to undermine the work through attacks on the Lord’s laborers. We must never stop praying for each other as we labour together and I ask we specially remember Elias and his family before the Lord as often as possible, they need much grace.

Tuesday found us traveling along a very sandy gully masquerading as a road to Saua- Saua before crossing the river via a “rock” bridge, often on three wheels. This area is being evangelized by a young man from Namekope 1 named Jucinto. He walks this road twice a week, a 60km round trip.

The people in this area are predominantly involved in ancestor worship and have proved to be very resistant toward the Gospel. Jucinto faithfully used of the Lord has however established a small fellowship of believers. Land has been obtained for a church and they have begun making the 1000 bricks they will need. Preaching here provided new challenges, requiring 3 languages (English, Portuguese and the local Makuwa language) and two interpreters! The Lord was gracious and the word was warmly received and much was achieved in the short time we could be there.

Our last day of ministry took us to Namekope 2, a wonderfully joyous group of believers with a good understanding of the Gospel. A sister named Sara having moved from Namekope 1 began evangelizing in this area. At first, among her family but later the community at large. She has a wonderful spirit, full of the joy of the Lord and has demonstrated a gift for evangelism. She is supported by another young man who oversees the fellowship named Olivia. This young fellowship meets under a tree but is looking to the Lord for ground for a building.

Believers from SA donated funds to assist the work in Nampula and this was put to good use through the purchase of a bicycle. This bicycle was duly presented to Jucinto so that he could travel more readily the long distance from Namekope 1 to Saua-Saua. The bicycle was joyously received and will be put to good use in furthering the Gospel in the area.

What became so obvious during this trip is how much the work in Mozambiquehas grown and become more established. Young people have made strong commitments to the Lord and are at the forefront of the work, displaying a great fervor and capacity for evangelism. It was evident that sisters are very active and have a liberty in Christ Jesus.

It was wonderful to renew fellowship with our Brother Elias and it was amazing to see how hard he works and with what passion he applies himself. Pray the Lord continues to restore his body to full health, keep his family and give him wisdom. We also pray for the work in Mozambiquetrusting the Lord to establish each believer on that one true foundation, the Rock Christ Jesus and for the many brethren who labour with the Lord, together building His Church. Amen.

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Fulfilling All Righteousness

With immense joy and anticipation believers joined together to witness five candidates make their confession of faith and go through the water’s of baptism. 

This moment is not only a milestone in our ever developing relationship with the Lord Jesus but often becomes a watershed experience where the decision we have made becomes very, very real!

Having heard the teaching concerning baptism while attending the True Light study Francois is giving in his home; Andre, Lise, Wihan, Theresa and Marizaan concluded with the Ethiopian Eunuch “See, here is water, what doth hinder me to be baptized?”

We praise God and give Him thanks for their heartfelt response and obedience to His word and pray the Lord continue to bless them richly as they walk with Him.

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Fulfilling All Righteousness in Gansbaai

On Tuesday, 7 May, 2013, under the leadership of Rupert Freese, we were privileged to witness both Rob Koppel and Jenny Griffiths go through the waters of baptism.

Jenny indicated that as a born again believer she felt the need to be baptised, while Rob shared that he understood water baptism to be an act of obedience to the Lord.  In being immersed he believed he was identifying with the Lord’s death and burial, and in rising from the water, he was identifying with our Lord Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.

We rejoice with them both in testifying publicly to their faith in Jesus Christ.
This very special event was captured on video by Rob’s son, Lloyd.

Thank you Dudley & Shirley for the report and Lloyd for the video.

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