It’s already three weeks ago & I don’t think there is a day that goes by when some part of the Camp doesn’t come to mind.Was blessed to be under ministry of all the speakers and never ceased to be amazed at how God ministers to us on a particular subject.
Reconciliation was particularly pertinent,not only the reconciliation between God & man through our Saviour Jesus Christ but also one to another to keep short accounts,make right whilst you still can & to be obedient to the prompting of the Holy Ghost.
Thank You Lord for giving us the words,strength & courage to do so. Thank you all for making it such a special weekend,new friends made,fellowship shared,food fit for kings &special chalet mates!
Thank you Sean for inviting us & thank you Rupert & Sean for taking time out to come and minister to us on Thursday evenings.Communication time thought provoking.
Nancy Moore