Bible School 2017
Bible School week is a much anticipated event with leading men from many regions in Malawi and Western Mozambique attending. It is a time to renew fellowship with believers we haven’t seen in over a year and to make the acquaintance of others who are new to Bible School. This year there were three significant additions to Bible School; Bros John and Lamech who have returned to Malawi, having been in fellowship with the believers in Benoni and Brother Hellings formerly with Operation Mobilisation.
The ministry focused on the need to go on to perfection. The encouragement coming from the account of Israel being led out of the slavery of Egypt into the wilderness with the purpose of entering into the promised Land. Many challenging principles were drawn from this account, including the case of the twelve spies who divided into two groups; two and ten. Joshua and Caleb being men who had another spirit and were ready to go on and possess the land. The ten, filled with fear and unbelief would not go up to possess the land. The Lord challenging us to examine ourselves to see if we are of the ten or of the two. With the conclusion of Bible School the team travelled north to meet believers that were part of the fellowships associated with Brother Hellings. We were pleased to be introduced to believers in a newly founded fellowship (1 ½ Months old) in the city of Mzuzu. The members of this fellowship were mostly young educated people who could speak English well. The members, men and women participated actively in the meeting and were a wonderful blessing to us.
It was our privilege to meet believers in Kasangu and Rumphi also in association with Brother Hellings before traveling to Karonga where we had an open air meeting under a tree with folk who had been led to the Lord by Bros Fredson and MacNell in January 2017. Our last stop was a town called Chatipa, on the border with Tanzania where the Lord was freely shared and received.
Having made such meaningful contacts with believers in the North, the need for Bible school in this region became evident. The Lord willing as He gives grace, the hope is to run two bible schools concurrently from next year. One held in Blantyre as usual and the other in Mzuzu.
Each mission trip has its own challenges and rewards, the Lord always accomplishing the work He has purposed to do. It is always a great privilege and blessing to be a small part of what Jesus is building and establishing even His Church.