We have just crossed the border back into SA! Feels great to be back home!
We had a blessed Bible week as we shared with the brethren about the journey from salvation to maturity in Jesus using the example of the Israelites journey from Egypt to the promised land.
God forbid that we take 40 years but that we grow up into Him in all things speedily! There was much encouragement to the brethren to go back to their home Assemblies and take back the message of the two spies, “We are able to possess the land”. Do not join the 10 who saw the good land but said “There are Giants there – we are not able”. Every assembly is fully equipped with apostles, prophets,evangelists,pastors and teachers!
We travelled about 400 km to a lovely spot on the shores of Lake Malawi for an overnight rest before doing another 400 km the next day to Kazuni – meeting with some believers at Mzuzu along the way. Great to see the enthusiasm as they worshipped the Lord in their very difficult circumstances.
We enjoyed the rustic accommodation at Kazuni and the “Hippo Serenade” through the night. As the sun rose over the mountains we watched the Impala bouncing along the shores of the Lake.
We were not able to hold the scheduled meeting there as the grandson of the area chief had died and the funeral was taking place. We met and greeted the believers and commended them to the grace of God.
From Kazuni we headed further north through beautiful mountain passes & views to Karonga to follow up on contacts made by Fredson & MacNel.
We had a very blessed open air meeting under a tree and saw people responding to the Word & coming forward for prayer.
The next day we travelled to Chitipa & met with a lovely group of believers there. God confirmed His Word to them as we shared about committing the Word to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. We are God’s building and labourers together with Him. The best we will ever be in the church of Jesus Christ is a “labourer” with the King of kings!
With rejoicing hearts and full confidence that the Head of the Church is building His church we turned to start the long journey back to South Africa.
The Believers at Rhumpi
Missionary’s reward!