Greetings in the name of our precious Lord Jesus from Caril de Beer from Southfield fellowship in Cape Town.
We had the most special and life building trip this April to Central Africa. ALL the brothers have been truly inspired and encouraged by what we had encountered along the there and back home.
The team consisted of Rupert Freese, Bruce Munro, Roland Holst, David Cunningham, Elias and myself.
We left On the 4th of April and returned back home on the 19th of April.
With drought stricken Cape Town behind us and slowly fading away in our rear view mirrors, we edged forward towards Central Africa km by km.
With the Lord’s praises in our voices and thanks giving in our hearts the Holy Spirit filled our sails and it was full steam ahead as we joyfully proceeded forward entering into the Lord’s fields . We were reminded of the verse John 4:35 and that the fields have been prepared and that they are white and ready unto harvest and that now was the time for us to enter in and to do his work.
Armed with verses, parables and inspiration we entered into the fields, ready to till where the soil needed tilling, pruning where dead branches needed to be removed to give opportunity for new growth, watering where the true living water was needed to sooth the quench and where fertiliser was needed to enrich the soil it was done to the Glory of our Father in Heaven.
As the Word was shared amongst the various fellowships in Mozambique and Malawi, it was made evident to us that God’s hand has been and still is at work here amongst the folk. God’s Word was soaked up in the various meetings just like a sponge that draws water into itself. Prayers were prayed, testimonies were given and questions were asked and answered bringing to light that these folk are truly growing and coming to maturity in the Lord. God is at work here. The Truth is being established and men and woman are being drawn to Christ.
The brothers preached their hearts out and when the time came for us to get together and give report back of what was being shared in the fields at our various outreaches it was made so evident that God was steering the ship here. He was navigating and giving direction through the Holy Spirit. Whether we were in Mozambique or Malawi, whether we were split up in different directions or if we were in fellowship together the messages was clear and direct and each message dovetailed perfectly into the next, giving us a perfect picture of God at work.
As we approached home again with Table Mountain on the horizon and the Lord’s fields getting smaller and smaller in our rear view mirrors, we were confident and reassured that it was the Lord’s work that was done over the last couple of weeks and not man’s.
We ourselves had received revelation upon revelation and blessing upon blessing had been poured out and Truths had been engraved upon our hearts.
We serve a REAL and LIVING God. His son’s name is Jesus. We are loved and adored and so dearly wanted. This is all beyond our understanding, but we are reassured that he is a good and faithful older brother who brings us to all Truths and understanding.I have come back home with a fresh understanding of Jesus Christ and what he has done for me and what he means to me.
This has been a life changing event in my walk with Jesus.
I give him all the Praise and all the Glory forever and ever. Amen.
Caril de Beer