True Light Men’s Camp 2012

A long and winding road led us up the mountain under heavy skies and a biting wind to the beautiful Heavens View Mountain Resort. Brethren from the many True Light and End Times Talks, Northern Suburbs and Southfield Fellowships all gathered together on the Galgenberg just the other side of McGregor, filled with an earnest expectation.
In hindsight no one could have anticipated how clearly and unmistakably and powerfully the Lord was to speak to us. Comments on the ministry included words like “intense”, “gentle”,” loving” and still others were left speechless and overwhelmed by the power of the Lord addressing Himself directly to our hearts.
The searchlight of God’s Word exposed deep and hidden paths in our hearts, areas we had long avoided in fear of what lay buried there. He called us to sanctification even as Samson was set apart unto God, a Nazarite from his mother’s womb, warning us of the danger of defiling ourselves with the world even as Samson defiled himself with Delilah and when he thought to shake himself as before he wist not that the Lord was departed from him.
Many came forward and were held up in prayer as they cleared themselves before God and renounced the hidden things of the heart, recommitting themselves to Him. The call on all our lives was clear, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before; we must press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
This weekend was not about renewal and recommitment, it was about getting on with the job, arising and setting our hands to the plough and not looking back! For this reason the Lord poured out his Spirit baptizing some in the Holy Ghost, who spoke in tongues for the first time while others he refreshed and opened wells long since gone dry so that the living water may flow again!
This account does not and can not do justice to the scope and measure with which the Lord spoke; you just had to be there! Please contribute your testimonies either by commenting on this post or via Email. Pictures from the weekend would also be appreciated but please resize to a few KB’s and send as a JPG, PING,or GIF file.

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