This year the annual Western Cape Men’s Camp took place a little later than usual, just as an early winter snap put snow on the mountains! It was good to see men representing practically every fellowship and True Light Group come together in earnest anticipation of what the Lord would say to us. Seeing the wonderful cross-section of brethren gathered at De Hollandsche Molen in Franschoek was a reminder of just how much the Lord has done in growing his work over the past year.
The Lord wasted little time and got right down to business challenging us to dig deep, past all the rubbish in our lives, to get rid of all the “rommell in die trommell” (the unofficial catch phrase over the weekend). It was time to be the men with the ministries that He could use. What a blessing to hear the earnest discussions taking place during the breaks between meetings as men discussed the message and challenge. The ministry was supported by relevant, personal testimonies from a number of brethren that brought an intimacy to the whole weekend. The fruit of this weekend is having an effect in the local fellowships as brethren have continued to apply themselves in response to the challenge and we see how the Lord is building His Church in the Cape !
We thank Bro Peter Hawyes for driving all the way from KwaZulu Natal to share the goodness of Jesus and blessing us in the challenge of His word.