Namibia – Swakopmund – July 2018

We had a wonderful meeting last night in Ritz and Wilma’s home, some 11 people attending.

Jesus is willing to “wink at our times of ignorance (Acts17:30), but now calls all men to Repentance and Faith in Christ alone. To grow and become grounded in the truth. This morning at 08h00 we will minister to a group of workers at the horse stables where Pieter (Olga’s husband) has a weekly bible study at this time. Then returning to Ritz’ house we will have some 4 meetings more with the group of believers. There are wonderful signs of growth, Jesus building His church and we all are labourers together with Him. Pray for us!

Francois and Peter.

Mozambique – June 2018

Quite a thought….. Repent from repenting of your sin….  Now that is a challenging point to get across.  Even more so when you are ministering in your second language, which is translated to Portuguese, which in turn is translated to Makua.  But Jesus never said that spreading the good news (His Gospel) would be easy.  He did however say,’ And lo, I am with you always, even unto the ends of the earth.’  And God is faithful…. No if’s, no but’s.  Faithful. (read full stop 🙂 )

When God is at work, all you have to do is sit back and enjoy.  God is in control and even when it seems as if He is not, remember, He has made a public spectacle of principalities and powers.

So here is the scorecard for the week:

  1. Plus minus 1200km travelled;
  2. 19 hours 15 minutes travel time of which 13 hours 45 minutes was for 563km (eisshh, mission is tough….);
  3. About 10kg of rice consumed…. 🙂 ;
  4. 2 new ‘fellowships’ visited;
  5. 2 days building on the foundation that is Jesus Christ;
  6. 30 people willingly bowing their knee, and choosing the Lord Jesus as the only way to the Father;

Enough said.

As for me, ‘I will bless the Lord all the time, His praise shall continually be in my mouth.  My soul shall boast in Him alone.’

Please remember our brothers and sisters in Mozambique in your prayers, and do not forget the mighty man of valour, which is Elias.  He especially needs your prayers as he is still in extreme discomfort and pain from his back.

Lord bless,



Mission Report 2 – April 2018

Greetings in the name of our precious Lord Jesus from Caril de Beer from Southfield fellowship in Cape Town.
We had the most special and life building trip this April to Central Africa. ALL the brothers have been truly inspired and encouraged by what we had encountered along the there and back home.
The team consisted of Rupert Freese, Bruce Munro, Roland Holst, David Cunningham, Elias and myself.
We left On the 4th of April and returned back home on the 19th of April.
With drought stricken Cape Town behind us and slowly fading away in our rear view mirrors, we edged forward towards Central Africa km by km.
With the Lord’s praises in our voices and thanks giving in our hearts the Holy Spirit filled our sails and it was full steam ahead as we joyfully proceeded forward entering into the Lord’s fields . We were reminded of the verse John 4:35 and that the fields have been prepared and that they are white and ready unto harvest and that now was the time for us to enter in and to do his work.
Armed with verses, parables and inspiration we entered into the fields, ready to till where the soil needed tilling, pruning where dead branches needed to be removed to give opportunity for new growth, watering where the true living water was needed to sooth the quench and where fertiliser was needed to enrich the soil it was done to the Glory of our Father in Heaven.
As the Word was shared amongst the various fellowships in Mozambique and Malawi, it was made evident to us that God’s hand has been and still is at work here amongst the folk. God’s Word was soaked up in the various meetings just like a sponge that draws water into itself.  Prayers were prayed, testimonies were given and questions were asked and answered bringing to light that these folk are truly growing and coming to maturity in the Lord. God is at work here. The Truth is being established and men and woman are being drawn to Christ.
The brothers preached their hearts out and when the time came for us to get together and give report back of what was being shared in the fields at our various outreaches it was made so evident that God was steering the ship here. He was navigating and giving direction through the Holy Spirit.   Whether we were in Mozambique or Malawi, whether we were split up in different directions or if we were in fellowship together the messages was clear and direct and each message dovetailed perfectly into the next, giving us a perfect picture of God at work.
As we approached home again with Table Mountain on the horizon and the Lord’s fields getting smaller and smaller in our rear view mirrors, we were confident and reassured that it was the Lord’s work that was done over the last couple of weeks and not man’s.
We ourselves had received revelation upon revelation and blessing upon blessing had been poured out and Truths had been engraved upon our hearts.
We serve a REAL  and LIVING God. His son’s name is Jesus. We are loved and adored and so dearly wanted. This is all beyond our understanding, but we are reassured that he is a good and faithful older brother who brings us to all Truths and understanding.I have come back home with a fresh understanding of Jesus Christ and what he has done for me and what he means to me.
This has been a life changing event in my walk with Jesus.
I give him all the Praise and all the Glory forever and ever. Amen.
Caril de Beer

Malawi update

We have just crossed the border back into SA!  Feels great to be back home!

We had a blessed Bible week as we shared with the brethren about the journey from salvation to maturity in Jesus using the example of the Israelites journey from Egypt to the promised land.

God forbid that we take 40 years but that we grow up into Him in all things speedily! There was much encouragement to the brethren to go back to their home Assemblies and take back the message of the two spies, “We are able to possess the land”. Do not join the 10 who saw the good land but said “There are Giants there – we are not able”.  Every assembly is fully equipped with apostles, prophets,evangelists,pastors and teachers!

We travelled about 400 km to a lovely spot on the shores of Lake Malawi for an overnight rest before doing another 400 km the next day to Kazuni – meeting with some believers at Mzuzu along the way. Great to see the enthusiasm as they worshipped the Lord in their very difficult circumstances.

We enjoyed the rustic accommodation at Kazuni and the “Hippo Serenade” through the night.  As the sun rose over the mountains we watched the Impala bouncing along the shores of the Lake.

We were not able to hold the scheduled meeting there as the grandson of the area chief had died and the funeral was taking place. We met and greeted the believers and commended them to the grace of God.

From Kazuni we headed further north through beautiful mountain passes & views to Karonga to follow up on contacts made by Fredson & MacNel.

We had a very blessed open air meeting under a tree and saw people responding to the Word & coming forward for prayer.

The next day we travelled to Chitipa & met with a lovely group of believers there.  God confirmed His Word to them as we shared about committing the Word to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. We are God’s building and labourers together with Him.  The best we will ever be in the church of Jesus Christ is a “labourer” with the King of kings!

With rejoicing hearts and full confidence that the Head of the Church is building His church we turned to start the long journey back to South Africa.

The Believers at Rhumpi

Missionary’s reward!


Water Baptism in Thornton Cape Town

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved;” – Mark 16: 15-16
A few new folk have been added to our fellowship in the last few months and on Thursday the 6th of November 2014 two of our group were baptised.

Elizabeth Mattheetestified that she had recently become a believer and was excited about her new found faith and even though she had just had an operation on her right arm and was all bandaged up, she was not going to let that stop her from being baptised.

Maryanne Collett testified that she had been a Christian but had backslidden. She had this physical disability which impacted negatively on her relationships. This was a result of a heart operation. Even family were unkind to her. In spite of this she always knew that God loved and protected her. Despite negative medical predictions God blessed her with a beautiful baby son.

We then joined the candidates in singing the Chorus “I have decided to follow Jesus…” We had witnessed the two baptismal candidates who had made a declaration that they had died with Christ and had risen to a new Life in Him.

 May God bless them as they each journey with Him.

Report by Yolande Damsell

For teaching on Water Baptism click Here!

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Tony & Carol Robson Cape Town July 2014


We Capetonians tend always to blame visitors for the bad weather and just as we slipped into our coldest winter in Forty years Tony and Carol Robson arrived for a two week stay!  Now I’m not saying there is a connection but if there is even the remotest possibility that there is, they made up for it a hundred times over as they shared the Lord Jesus every where they went.
Believe me they went every where. In the Cape we are not backward in coming forward. Tony and Carol visited every fellowship, True Light Meeting and outreach we have going. They travelled the South Peninsula, Northern Suburbs, ventured behind the Boerewors curtain, attempted whale watching in Gansbaai and trekked all the way to Langebaan.


We had such wonderful input from Tony and Carol as they ministered to us lovingly and patiently, encouraging, strengthening and teaching in every place. Thank you so very much for your time and trouble; we really enjoyed the warm fellowship and look forward to seeing you again.

Christ as Life

At Southfield, we have been challenged to consider ‘Christ as Life’, and how He is living His Life through us.

With that in mind, I am writing a quote from G.H. Knight that I read this morning…..

“What joy it gives, and strength
 too, to begin each day by feeling, ‘On this day once again I am to live simply as a servant of Jesus Christ: His will and not my own will is to sway me every hour’
…’A servant of Jesus Christ!’…then I dare not be the servant of sin; I must be holy as my Master is holy.
…’A servant of Jesus Christ!’…then I will not be the servant of men: the maxims (the governing principles) of this will not rule me; I will not take my cue from the world; I am under orders only to my Master in heaven.
…A servant of Jesus Christ!’…then I must be the servant of men, to help them, to comfort them, and to stoop  to the lowest of them in their behalf as my Master did.
…A servant of Jesus Christ!’…then, if His servant anywhere, I must be His servant everywhere; in all society with men I must never forget my servanthood to Him: I must show myself His servant openly as well as confess it secretly.
…A servant of Jesus Christ!’…then, if I want to know Him, to walk as He walked, to plant my feet in His footprints. As the eye of servants look unto the hand of their masters, to see how their work should be done, and copy what they see, so my eyes “must wait upon The Lord.”  If His service is sometimes difficult, I must not complain: He may use me as He wills, and at the end of all I will be more than satisfied if I only hear Him say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of The Lord’ “

May the Lord Jesus Christ enable us to be all of the above, is my prayer in Jesus name. Jean.

Western Cape Men’s Camp 2014

This year the annual Western Cape Men’s Camp took place a little later than usual, just as an early winter snap put snow on the mountains! It was good to see men representing practically every fellowship and True Light Group come together in earnest anticipation of what the Lord would say to us. Seeing the wonderful cross-section of brethren gathered at De Hollandsche Molen in Franschoek was a reminder of just how much the Lord has done in growing his work over the past year.
The Lord wasted little time and got right down to business challenging us to dig deep, past all the rubbish in our lives, to get rid of all the “rommell in die trommell” (the unofficial catch phrase over the weekend). It was time to be the men with the ministries that He could use. What a blessing to hear the earnest discussions taking place during the breaks between meetings as men discussed the message and challenge. The ministry was supported by relevant, personal testimonies from a number of brethren that brought an intimacy to the whole weekend. The fruit of this weekend is having an effect in the local fellowships as brethren have continued to apply themselves in response to the challenge and we see how the Lord is building His Church in the Cape!

We thank Bro Peter Hawyes for driving all the way from KwaZulu Natal to share the goodness of Jesus and blessing us in the challenge of His word. 

Life is a Journey

Not one of us chose to be born into this world. But we are here!!  And we are here to stay!  Each  of our lives had a beginning – that began when we were conceived. We all have different mothers and fathers.

However, God’s word tells us that we ALL have the same MAKER – God.    God chose which seed our mothers would conceive.  That seed was you and me.  We read it in God’s Word – In Psalm 139   (See below)                  

All of us have our life story to tell. Not one of us has had the same journey.  Each journey is unique and different.  Our stories are filled with the challenges we have faced. Decisions we have had to make.  Our stories tell of the times we were living on cloud 9 and other times there is no cloud to be seen!!!   Our stories never end.

So what is this life all about?

On a journey it is always good to stop.  So on this journey called life it is good to stop and ask what is this life all about?

Because God is our Maker He must have the answer.  There must be a bigger plan. He is God.
During my journey I heard about a Gift God wanted to give me, and not only me but anyone who would receive the gift.

The gift is not something we would receive in our hands.  The gift is a person – Jesus, God’s Son.

Jesus has his own life story to tell. We can read all about His life in the bible.  God sent Jesus to this earth as a baby.  He too was conceived and at the age of 33, was willing to be sacrificed on the cross, so that His blood could wash us clean.

 It would give us a new beginning with God, as part of our lives. So great is the gift, that He says He will live within us. God is Holy and can only live within a person who has been washed clean, by the blood of Jesus.

A new journey began for me when I believed in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice and invited Him to live in me. He washed me clean.  My Maker now became My Lord and My Saviour. With Jesus in me, I now have Him, as the captain of my life. He Guides me, encourages me,  loves me and so much more.  Yes, life is still filled with the storms and sunshine’s of this life.  But Jesus is always there.

The Christian life is not boring.  God is not boring.  We look at what He has created.  Just look at you and me. Definitely not boring. Many miracles happen to those who have Jesus in their lives.

One storm I have just gone through is cancer. Hearing 3 words ‘You have cancer’ took me straight into a storm. With Jesus living in me I knew He will be in control. While having chemo many of the patients would encourage each other with positive thinking. We just need to be positive they would say to each other.
My Trust is in the Lord my God.

As our journey in life has a beginning it must have an end.  This gift from God includes living in heaven with Him for eternity. What a gift we have been offered.  Not by a man – But by The Living God – Jesus is His name.

Extracts from the verses in Psalm 139

“Thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb.” (God chose which seed would be conceived – u and me)

“I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works.”

“My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret.” (our Mom’s only knew 6 weeks later that we were there)

“In thy book all my members were written.”

“How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them.”

“If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake I am still with thee.”
God Bless.
Barbara Freese

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An Awesome God

Oh, what an AWESOME God we serve……

I have always had this saying ‘if a man wants to “toer met my” …meaning…to get me to fall in love with him…..he just needs to be kind to me’

As a ‘strong personality’ woman….
I have always known that it is the loving kindness of the Lord that led me to repentance…..

BUT, this morning I had this AHA moment with the lover of my soul….my Jesus, …..that it is His Gentleness with me …..that has me in the palm of His hand, causing me to WANT TO do His bidding!!!

Oh what a powerful gift He has given me….to be like Jesus….in His Gentleness working through me, to others…..I can ’cause’ others to do His bidding!!!!……what a MIGHTY God we serve!!!!….. and I feel quite ‘mushy’ toward Him in my adoration of Him.

The prayer of my heart is …..May we KNOW His Gentleness in our lives….and have a longing for ‘His empowering’ us to KNOW it in a greater measure….SO THAT he ’empowers us’ to be gentle with ALL those we are encountering….including ourselves….. 


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